Malcom Melfie
Cairn Terrier
Age: Six
Hometown: Summerville, SC
“Every morning he wakes up and goes outside to bark, letting the world know he is alive.”
Malcolm Melfi is a six-year-old cairn terrier who lives in Summerville with his mom, Laura. An adventurer and lover of any water activity, Malcom is definitely a Lowcountry pup.

“You name it, he’s game: paddleboarding, boating, swimming and just taking a run on the beach.”
He also likes to chase balls and the occasional squirrel. Indoors he can be found playing with his favorite toy, a stuffed Monkey twice his size, or begging for his favorite food, chicken.
According to his mom, Malcom is always ready to sieze the day, “Every morning he wakes up and goes outside to bark letting the world know he is alive.”