Deviled Crab


1 pound wild domestic crab meat
1 teaspoon of minced garlic
1/2 onion diced small
1 medium bell pepper diced small
1 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper (fresh minced chili peppers can be used also)
1-2 teaspoons of chopped parsley
2 tablespoons of ketchup
1 tablespoon of mayo
2 teaspoons of mustard
1 teaspoon paprika
1/2 tablespoon Old Bay Seasoning
1 cup bread crumbs to bind
2 tablespoons of butter
1/2 cup of water
Crab backs (optional)
Salt and pepper


Melt 2 tablespoons of butter in pan. Add onion and bell pepper and sauté on medium heat for 2 minutes, add garlic and sauté for 1 more minute. Make sure to not brown. Cool and add to a bowl with all other ingredients except crab meat. Fold crab meat in and check for seasonings. Add salt and pepper to taste. Stuff into crab backs and bake until golden or make little patties and pan sear until golden brown.

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