Modern Living in the Old South

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Faith & Flour

With her hands buried in the mixing bowl, It’s All in the Biscuit’s creator Kim Lazarus proves all things are possible if you have a little faith.

The King James Version of the Bible talks a lot about bread, perhaps most famously reminding us that man does not live by bread alone. There are many translations of the Good Book, and none specifically mentions biscuits. But if you’ve had one of Kim Lazarus’, you may have found yourself looking for the chapter and verse. The Bible also talks a lot about faith. If you’ve ever met Kim Lazarus, you know she has it. Faith is as much a part of her being as the blood running through her veins, and it is a joy to behold. The petite, energetic graphic designer still shakes her head in the wonder of where she finds herself today. “It’s been quite the whirlwind.”

Running a thriving graphic design business from home for over twenty years, Kim was ready for a change. She prayed for guidance. She knew she wanted to write a book but needed to figure out how to begin the process. “I was on Facebook one day and ran across a video of a chef and an older lady making these 3 to 4 ingredient biscuits.” She realized that she had all the ingredients already in her pantry except for lard. With newly purchased lard in hand, she made the biscuits. “They were horrible, but it was still a sweet video.” Something about the process clicked in her. She began seeking other sources for biscuit recipes, experimenting with different ingredients and methods.

Kim admits to never being a baker, saying, “Baking was way outside my comfort zone, but mixing the ingredients felt good.” She played with the recipes, tweaking ingredients for several months. “I’ve never been a fan of biscuits, but knew I really didn’t want something dry and crumbly like a cookie. In the UK, they call cookies biscuits. I didn’t want that at all.” The biscuit of her dreams would be warm and soft inside with a taste like a grandmother’s love. Influenced by her degree in graphic design, she wanted to create a beautiful, golden biscuit that would photograph well. In addition to being good tasting and beautiful, it had to be built right. “I also have a degree in architecture,” she drops into the conversation. By May 2022, she created a biscuit that could take the heat. Her standards were high. She deemed it “pretty good.”

The Lazarus family always enjoyed sharing meals with family and friends, and Kim often shared her biscuits with neighbors. “We love having people around our table.” In the summer, they especially enjoyed seafood. One day, she remembers, “Something said to me, ‘Put the shrimp and the crab in the biscuits.” Not knowing that she spoke words that would launch a brand and rock her world, she mixed the ingredients and said aloud for the first time, It’s All in the Biscuit. Today, looking back on the blessings of that moment, Kim raises her hands skyward. “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God. When I tasted it, I looked at my husband, Donte, and said, ‘This thing is good!'”

It was good. Word of mouth multiplied like the loaves and fishes. She explored adding fruit to the mix and experimented with savory ingredients. Then, in early fall, a cousin called to ask if Kim would make biscuits for her son’s football team. So she did, sticking the label a neighbor made for her on the box. Worried that someone would go to the internet to find the business on the label, she called on her graphics skills and quickly created a website. Someone in her Bible Study group posted it on Facebook, and it caught fire. “Thanksgiving and Christmas were just crazy. I was so busy but having the time of my life.”

A short time later, she received an email from The Azalea Bar & Garden. Would she be interested in exploring the possibility of making biscuits for their February Biscuits ‘n Bubbles Sunday Brunch? “I’d only been doing this for a month. Maybe I’m supposed to be making biscuits. I had no idea what this would be like, but I knew that God is there for me every time I move forward in faith.” The baker’s faith is evident in everything she says and does. And she sparkles with its electricity. It is even reflected in the names of the fourteen flavors she currently makes. Each flavor, such as a sweet potato offering called The Great I Yam, and a peach studded favorite, Preachin’ Peach has a Biblical connection. “By the way, my husband Donte is a pastor.” Kim Lazarus is a woman with many skills and constant surprises. She does not boast or brag—but she is understandably proud when she speaks of her husband and children Remy (25), Amani (20), and Sanaia (16).

Whether savory, sweet, simple, specialty, or plain, Kim Lazarus’s inspired biscuits are prepared fresh for the following day. They delight football teams, brunches, church meetings, and anyone with good taste. We know that faith can move mountains, but how lucky we are that it has placed her hands in flour. And soon, that book she wanted to write will be launched. So how does one woman do it all? For her, it’s simply a matter of faith and flour. Her answer can be found in Philippians 4:13. “I can do all things through him who strengthens me.” AM

Kim’s biscuits may be ordered by the half or full dozen via her website: You’ll find that delivery is even available in some areas.

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